Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik

ORCID 0000-0003-1356-0077

Institute of Media, Journalism and Social Communication
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Gdańsk
Bażyńskiego 4
80-309 Gdańsk POLAND

  • Deputy Dean for Internationalization and Development


Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik (Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences in the field of Media Sciences, Doctor of Humanities in Political Science, Master of Management) is the Associate Professor in the Institute of Media, Journalism and the Social Communication of the University of Gdańsk. She works as Deputy Dean at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdansk (2012-2020 Deputy Dean for Education, from 2020 – Deputy Dean for Internationalization and Development). She is a supervisor of the educational process at the Faculty of Social Sciences and implementation of qualifications frameworks as well as the coordinator of international teaching and research projects (Erasmus, NCBiR). E.g, from October 2015 till February 2019 she was a team leader of the Erasmus+ project “Indoped. Modernizing Indonesian Higher Education with Tested European Pedagogical Practices” (more information about the project at:
As a researcher she is interested in analyzing tools and techniques (and especially new media and events) that are used in social, political and marketing communication processes as well as territorial marketing and international and intercultural communication.

Apart from academic work she is active as the expert of the local government institutions (e.g. Gdansk Convention Bureau) as far as education and communication problems are concerned.

Teaching Interests
  • Event management
  • Marketing communication
  • Public opinion
Research Interests
  • Political communication
  • Territorial marketing
  • Event and new media in political communication

Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik is the author of over 40 journal articles, book chapters, and conference and workshop papers. Most recent ones deal with the use of events and new media in the communication process and analyzing this issue from two perspectives: the sender and the recipient of the message.

Selected Selected publications

Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A., Kuczamer-Kłopotowska S., The important role of the blogosphere as a communication tool in social media among Polish young millennials: a fact or a myth?, in: “Myth in modern media management and marketing”, Kreft J., Kuczamer-Kłopotowska S., Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A. (eds), Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services (AMCRMES) Book Series, 2019, IGI Global, p. 182-194, DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-9100-9.ch008

Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A., Kuczamer-Kłopotowska S., Rola Facebooka w komunikowaniu treści blogów w segmencie polskich milenialsów, in: „Współczesne media. Problemy i metody badań nad mediami”, tom 2, Hofman I., Kępa-Figura D. (eds), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu UMCS, Lublin 2019, p. 221-236

Kalinowska Żeleźnik, A., Event jako narzędzie PR na przykładzie pikniku „Gdańskie Święto Europy in: „Unia Europejska w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych”,  Potkańska M., Wojnicz L., Rdzanek D. (eds), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Politologii i Europeistyki Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin 2019, p. 215-225

Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A., Event jako narzędzie partycypacji obywatelskiej na szczeblu lokalnym, in: „Zmierzch demokracji liberalnej?”, K.A. Wojtaszczyk, P. Stawarz, J. Wiśniewska-Grzelak (eds), Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2018, p. 295-305

Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A., Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych w komunikowaniu politycznym na przykładzie fanpage’a Miasta Gdańsk, in: „Journal of Management and Finance” Vol. 16, No. 3/3/2018,

Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A., Kuczamer-Kłopotowska S., Lusińska A., The reflections of the CSR strategy in the activities of a public medium, as exemplified by Radio Gdańsk, in: “Management and the Media”, Czarniawska B., Kreft J. (eds), Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 30 Issue: 2, 2017, p. 217-231, DOI:10.1108/JOCM-09-2015-0180

 Kalinowska-Żeleźnik A., Eventing jako narzędzie komunikacji marketingowej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego in: „Polska i Europa wobec wyzwań współczesnego świata. Doświadczenie i perspektywy rozwoju samorządu terytorialnego i zawodowego”, Antkowiak P. (ed.), Wydawnictwo A. Marszałek, Toruń 2014, p. 135-147