Arkadiusz Modrzejewski

Associate Professor in POLITICAL SCIENCES


ORCID 0000-0002-7599-8552

Institute of Political Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Gdańsk
Bażyńskiego 4
80-309 Gdańsk POLAND


Curriculum Vitae

ARKADIUSZ MODRZEJEWSKI, is an experienced scholar, professor in Department
of Political Science at the University of Gdansk, Poland and Vasul’ Stus Donetsk National University in Vinnitsya, Ukraine, external supervisor of PhD students at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia and member of faculty of Doctoral School in Political Science at the Federico II Naples University. He
is a political philosopher specializing in issues of European identity, universalistic political
philosophy, political ideologies and currently in populism in the current Poland. He was a
remote referee evaluating projects within Horizon 2020 (Start Grants) as well as in Slovak
and Croatian national grant agencies. He is also an ethics expert and evaluator of European Commission in research programme Horizon 2020. He is an editor-in-chief of European Journal of Transformation Studies indexed in Web of Science. He is an author of three books, many articles and contributions published in Poland and abroad. He was a coordinator of the Polish part of the project “Civil Society Development for Participatory Democracy in Shida Kartli Region”. He was a visiting lecturer at various universities, e.g. Tbilisi State University, Georgia, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Federico II Naples University, Italy, Eszterhazy University in Eger, Hungary. He is a member of various academic and editorial boards.

Teaching Interests
  • Political Philosophy
  • Methodology of Political Science
  • Political Though
  • Philosophy
  • Political Movements
  • Political philosophy of Liberalism
  • Political philosophy and theology of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II
  • Political though of Polish and European factions
  • Normative theory of International Relations
  • Selected publications


    • Kościerzyna w procesie współczesnych przemian kulturowo-cywilizacyjnych, Europejskie Centrum Edukacyjne, Toruń 2006, pp. 282. /English title: Kościerzyna town in the process of cultural and civilizational changes./
    • Uniwersalistyczna wizja ładu światowego w personalistycznej optyce Karola Wojtyły – Jana Pawła II, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2009, pp. 221. /English title: Universalistic Vision of the World Order in the Personalistic Perspective of Karol Wojtyla – John Paul II./


    1. Metodologiczne i filozoficzne podstawy politologii. Zarys wykładu, Gdańsk-Elbląg, Oficyna „OKO” 2011, pp. 120. /English title: Methodological and philosophical base of political science. Outline of lecture/


    • Joachim Pecci – Leon XIII, Kościół i cywilizacja, tłum. Walerian Kalinka CR, Wstęp, ed. naukowa i oprac. Arkadiusz Modrzejewski, Wydawnictwo AHE, Łódź 2010, pp. 84. / English title: The Church and Civilization/


    1. The Universalistic Concept of Science in the Philosophical and Theological Doctrine of Karol Wojtyla – John Paul II, “European Journal of Science and Theology” 2012, no. 4, pp. 129-140 (co-author: Sylwia Górzna). – Web of Science, SCOPUS (
    2. Polityka leśna państwa pruskiego na obecnych ziemiach polskich w latach 1772-1914, „Sylwan” 2013, no. 1, pp. 63-70 (co-author K. Jażdżewski). – Web of Science, SCOPUS
    3. Sustainable development issues in the light of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul IIs political philosophy and theology, “Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development” 2013, vo. 8, no. 1, pp. 73-82 (co-author: S. Ewertowski). – Web of Science, SCOPUS (
    4. Towards European nation political fiction or political realism?, “European Journal of Science and Theology” 2013, suppl. 2: International Conference ACADEMOS 2013: Reconstructing Good Society, pp. 35-44. – Web of Science, SCOPUS (
    5. Karol Wojtyla’s personalistic and universalistic philosophy of culture, “European Journal of Science and Theology” 2014, no. 4, pp. 99-110 (co-author: Slavomir Gálik). – SCOPUS, Web of Science – beta (
    6. Effects of the (electronic) media on cognitive processes, “European Journal of Science and Theology” 2014, suppl. 1, s. 17-28 (co-author: Slavomir Gálik). – SCOPUS, Web of Science – beta (
    7. The personalistic aspect of truth and dialogue in the context of Karol Wojtyła’s philosophy: John Paul II’s ethics of media, “Communication Today” 2016, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 4-17. – Web of Science (
    8. The European Union and Crisis of Values, In: Govering for the Future: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Sustainable World, ed. Andrei Taranu, Bologna 2016, pp. 167-172. – Web of Science
    9. European Identity of the Orthodox World in the Historiosophical Thought of Karol Wojtyla – John Paul II, In: Southeast Europe: history, culture, politics, and economy : proceedings of an international conference, eds. Dimitr Dimitrov et al., Bologna 2018, pp. 70-76. – Web of Science
    10. The Catholic Church and Polish Democracy. The Attempt of Normative Discernment, In: International Political Science Conference „Development, democracy and society in the contemporary world”: Proceedings of 5th ACADEMOS Conference 2018, (Bucharest, Romania, 14-17 June 2018), Andrei Taranu, Bologna 2018, pp. 249-258. – Web of Science.
    11. The Attitude of the Catholic Church in Poland towards to the Current Migration Crisis, “European Journal of Science and Theology” 2019, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1-14 (co-author: Rafał Raczyński) – Web of Science, SCOPUS (
    12. Rule of Law in Poland – Integration or Fragmentation of Common Values?, “European Journal of Transformation Studies” 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 177-188 (co-authors: Lucia Mokra and Piotr Juchniewicz) – Web of Science (


    Indexed in Web of Science – beta (Publons)
    1. Crisis of truth in the globalized world of mass media, “European Journal of Transformation Studies” 2013, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 108-120 (
    2. Georgia as an element of European energy security system, “European Journal of Transformation Studies” 2013, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 5-15 (co-authors: G. Gamkrelidze and Tökölyová) (
    3. Role of mass media in foreign policy decision-making, “European Journal of Transformation Studies” 2013, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 37-47 (co-author:
      Tökölyová) (
    4. The new empire of lies? Essay on lack of truth in international relations, “European Journal of Transformation Studies” 2014, vol. 2, Suppl. 1, pp. 111-121. (


    1. Popes Pius IX and Leo XIII in the face of the ideological heritage of the French Revolution, In: Towards a Political Philosophy. Philosophia 12, eds. K. Mitterpach, R. Stahel, Nitra 2013, pp. 31-43 (
    2. Truth as a conditio sine qua non of peace, In: Resolving disputes in the 21st century, Budapest 2013, pp. 30-40 (
    3. New Tribalism in Europe, „Perpective Politice” 2014, vol. 7, no. 2, s. 5-12 (co-author: Jakub Potulski) (
    4. Deficit of truth in mass media and its consequence for a political and international sphere. In: Megatrends and media: media farm – totems and taboo: conference proceedings from International Scientific Conference, Dana Petranová Slavomír Magál (eds.), Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, pp. 97-111 (
    5. Presidency of Aleksander Kwaśniewski in Poland (1995-2005): Competences, Decisions, Political Thought, In: Rethinking the Presidency. Challenges and Failures, J. Reschova [ed.], Trnava 2015, s. 19-33 (
    6. Catholic and Nationalist Populism in the Contemporary Poland, „Perpective Politice” 2017, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 21-32.
    7. So-called Realists vs. Cosmopolitans? The Black Sea Region in Programmes of the Main Polish Political Parties (The Law and Justice and the Civic Platform), In: The 2nd Southeast Europe: history, culture, politics, and economy: proceedings of an international conference, eds. Dimitr Dimitrov et al., Bologna 2019, pp. 43-51.
    8. The European Union in Political Thought and Practice of the Ruling Right Wing in Poland (2015-2019), In: International Political Science Conference „Political and Economic Unrest in the Contemporary Era”: Proceedings of 6th ACADEMOS Conference, (Bucharest, Romania, 20-23 June 2019), Andrei Taranu, Bologna 2019, pp. 278-287.
    9. „A Community of Values”. O modelu integracji europejskiej w myśli programowej Europejskiej Partii Ludowej, „Athenaeum” 2007, no. 18, pp. 52-67. / English title: „A Community of Values” On model of European integration in program thought of European People’s Party/
    10. Karol Wojtyla’s Universalistic Vision of The History and Civilization, „Dialogue and Universalism” 2007, no. 3-4, pp. 131-146.
    11. The European Nation State in the Face of Challenges of the Postindustrial Civilization, „Dialogue and Universalism” 2009, no. 6-7, pp. 139-154.
    12. Kościół a polityka. Rozważania wokół aktywności politycznej duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego podczas wyborów prezydenckich 2010 roku, „Środkowoeuropejskiej Studia Polityczne” 2010, no. 4, pp. 45-60. / English title: The Church and Politics. Considerations dedicated to political activity of Catholic clergy during the presidential election 2010/.
    1. A Green Island or Never-land? Poles in the face of the Contemporary Economic Crisis, “Journal of Geography, Politics and Society” 2011, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 5-18.
    2. W stronę politologii humanistycznej. Przyczynek do studiów nad znaczeniem interpretacji cywilizacyjnej w podejściu metodologicznym Andrzeja Jana Chodubskiego, „Cywilizacja i Polityka, 2017, no. 15, pp. 19-32. / English title: Into Humanistic Political Reflection. Introduction to the Studies on Importance of Civilizational Interpretation of Methodological Approach of Andrzej J. Chodubski/.
    3. Civil Society Organizations (CSO) as a challenge to Georgia’s democracy consolidation, “Trzeci Sektor” 2018, nr 44 (4), pp. 20-32 (co-author: Sylwia Mrozowska) – awarded as the best article in 2018.