Justyna Siemionow

Associate Professor in EDUCATION
ORCID 0000-0003-3831-3515

Institute of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Gdańsk
Bażyńskiego 4
80-309 Gdańsk POLAND

  • Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at Institute of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk
Justyna Siemionow works as associate professor at the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Gdańsk. She has gained professional experience in many institutions like: Young People’s Educational Centres, the District Court in Malbork, the Regional Court in Gdańsk, and the District Prosecutor’s Office in Malbork. Her research activities are focused on a new model of social rehabilitation treatment of juveniles and their families, based on cognitive and behavioral theory. The main goal of the research is to describe the actions planned and conducted within the process of social rehabilitation of adolescents residing at a few of the example institutions (for example: the Youth Education Center), the corrective institutions for minors who are sent there by the Court. At the present, I have been working on finding new and effective solutions for the social rehabilitation process and also how to help the pedagogical staff being as much effective as they can. Her research interests are also beliefs hindering the social adaptation of juveniles, an analysis of how socially maladjusted young people perceive (receive and understand information) themselves, others, and their surroundings, and creating programmes and exercises based on the assumptions of cognitive psychology.

Teaching Interests
  • Clinical psychology in rehabilitation
  • Psychology of human development with elements of clinical psychology
  • Diagnosis of rehabilitation
  • Designing in rehabilitation work
  • Evaluation of rehabilitation work
  • Organisation and functioning of rehabilitation systems
Research Interests
  • Socially maladjusted juveniles /li>
  • Rehabilitation process
  • A new model of social rehabilitation
  • Cognitive and behavioral theory
  • New and effective solutions
  • Pedagogical staff
  • Effectiveness
  • Youth education center
Selected publications

The social readaptation of socially maladjusted juveniles illustrated with an example of the activities in the Young People’s Educational Centre No. 1 in Malbork, Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze  No. 9, 2012. ISSN 0552-2188

Juvenile social maladjustment: action, change, efficiency) (2011) Wydawnictwo Difin, Warsaw, p. 218. This book was nominated for the 2011 Theophrastus Award for the best psychological book of the year.

The Scale of Beliefs hindering Social Adaptation of Young People, presented in the article I co-authored (50 % contribution of their own work) with Pawel Jurek, 2016 entitled  (Psychometric development of the Scale of Beliefs Hindering Social Adaptation of Young People, Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, Vol 21, No. 1, ISSN 1642-1043, pp. 123-144.

Changing beliefs that hinder social adaptation of students at Young People’s Education Centre), Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2016, pages 221.

New media in the education of children with and without disabilities from the perspective of the knowledge and actions of their parents, Issues in Early Education, No. 1, Vol 40, 2018, p. 85-94.

A model of social rehabilitation treatment for Juveniles: cognitive and behavioral perspective ‐ practical aspects, w: Juvenile and Family Court Journal, vol. 71, nr 1, 2020, ss. 31-44, DOI:10.1111/jfcj.12159